Our Research Professionals are well aware that there is so much information available on the internet, and the sad truth is that it’s not all going to be accurate. Almost anyone can post whatever they want, and we know that business owners and investors need precisely accurate information. Those who make business decisions based on reliable and up-to-date-information may find it challenging to weave through the fluff to eventually dig up reliable reports from reputable resources.

A current topic of focus right now is additives and supplements in food processing. If you are in need of a report about additives and supplements, or another topic of interest for that matter, then don’t waste another minute call us! Let us help make your life easier. 

Types of Additives in Food Processing

When people look at food, they evaluate appearance first. So the smell and presentation of the food is of utmost importance to consumers at first glance. The organoleptic quality is what people use to determine whether they are drawn to the food in front of them, rather than the nutritional value. If someone likes the smell of food, it can stimulate digestive fluids and promote digestion. 

When food is processed, it can lose its natural coloring. And if something doesn’t look incredibly natural or delicious, people won’t buy it. So, coloring properties may be added to the food, such as saffron, cochineal, annatto, paprika, sandalwood, turmeric, or caramel. Some of these coloring materials may also significantly change the flavor of the food item.

Here we have listed the different types of additives that may be used during food processing:

  • Flavour Enhancers: substances that have very little to no flavor, but can bring out the natural flavor of the food item. 
  • Flavoring Agents: the biggest group of food additives, these were originally spices, dried herbs, powders, and essential oils, but have now taken the form of synthetic flavoring agents. 
  • Sweetening Agents: the main ingredient as a sweetening agent is sugar. However, sugar can contribute to dental problems, heart disease, and obesity. So, artificial sweeteners have been created, such as saccharin, sorbitol, cyclamates, along with molasses and honey. 
  • Anti-Caking Substances: these substances are used to absorb moisture and reduce humidity in the packaging. 
  • Emulsifying Agents/Stabilizers: these are added to foods that contain fat, to stabilize the emulsion and provide a more economic utilization of fat. 

We focus on making things as easy as possible for our clients. We can imagine the frustration in trying to find the most current and reliable information out there. You can trust that we have the solution, and can provide you with a quality report of virtually any topic. Don’t use up another minute of your time going through pages and pages of internet searches for the market topic that you need.